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Crowdfunding (3): 5 Tips

This article is a continuation of my series on crowdfunding, started with a general description and a list of pros and cons. Read the following to get advice of successful campaigns. 1. Convince Your Folks to Be the First to Invest To convince the public that your...

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Crowdfunding (2): Platforms, Pros and Cons

This article continues my series on crowdfunding, started with a general description here. According to some sources, globally, there are more than 600 functional crowdfunding platforms, which manage to raise billions of dollars every year. Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Crowdfunder or  have given entrepreneurs, artists, musicians or non-profit...

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Crowdfunding (1): The Birth of the Idea

The rapid adoption of the digital technology has changed the way we interact. Although according to some specialists the effects are not entirely positive – massive layouts further to upgrading production processes, the lack of human interaction – digitalization has improved productivity, communication, has simplified...

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