capitalmarkets Tag


Organizational Chart for Your Brokerage House

Looking back to the starting point, we’ve come a long way in understanding what it takes to build a brokerage house. Without question, if you remain consistent, committed to the finish, and realistic about your goals, your time and effort will finally pay off. You now...

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Blockchain: the next unicorns

In the past episodes of this Blockchain series, I talked in-depth about the technology that both myself and other fintech entrepreneurs are convinced will revolutionize the capital markets. I conclude this series by discussing some use cases for this technology at various stages of the...

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Financial markets and the Blockchain: Automated Market Makers

In past episodes of this series of articles, I stated that the Blockchain technology would certainly expand its scope from cryptocurrencies themselves to other financial and capital markets. The most substantial evidence in this regard is the incredible rise of Automated Market Makers, starting from...

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